Tarot of Esoteric User Experience

On each page load the cards will randomly shuffle to provide insights to help with your User Experience project, plan or process. You will be guided through five steps with encouraging insights at every step of the way.

Inspired by techniques such as Tarot readings, Eno's Oblique strategies, or IDEO's Method Cards, and many more frameworks which when mashed up I hope will help you creatively.

1. The heart of the matter

This position reveals the current situation, and what is now happening. This card represents the most central issues that want your attention. Discovering what 'as is' looks like allows you to begin the work to see what's its going 'to-be'.

2. Challenges and Issues

This shows you the nature of the problem you are facing. It may show you what is blocking your progress. If this problem is solved it will make life a lot easier.

3. Unknown Influence

What is beneath, discover the real issues. Delve deep to discover the choices or patterns that have created the present situation.

Ace of Maps

Rota-Ray a paper scrolling map reader from 1920's showing detail from the Container Corporation of America's World Geo-graphic Atlas designed by Herbert Bayer page detail of a Tornado.


Generate a flood of concepts at a low resolution. Discover insights made from feelings and intuition. Trust what your gut says and avoid over analysing.

The Stanford d.school writes about being able to Experiment Rapidly.

‘This ability is about being able to quickly generate ideas – whether written, drawn, or built. In order to rapidly experiment, you must be able to relax your mind and reach a mode of acceptance. This will eliminate the natural tendency to block ideas that seem off or unfeasible. Then, let your doing lead your thinking – and lead with your hands. This ability pairs naturally with Learn From Others. In many instances, you are experimenting by both generating a flood of new concepts at low resolution (brainstorming) and testing some of those concepts with potential users.’

4. Hopes and Fears

One of the most difficult positions to interpret. If the card feels positive you are on the right track, if not be careful about what you are trying to achieve. See how it aligns with Unknown Influences. Remember what you are hoping for may not be positive in the end, and what you fear may be the way to go.

5. Over all outcome

This is where you are going, the likely long term goal. You can have instant results and quick wins and build credibility. But when you put all the previous four cards together you are building a strategy so all your actions align.