Category Archives: Beta

Three of Maps

Rota-Ray a paper scrolling map reader from 1920's showing detail of the American Airlines system map, a pictorial map of their routes.

Customer journey map

Synthesising information by sharing honest ideas and creative insights. Everyone is happy with ideas and observations you have documented. The analysis of the observations will create useful insights.

Creating customer journey maps is one of the most satisfying aspects of service design. It is visual thinking at its most powerful. Often for the first time every one will be able to see and understand the user experience.

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Ace of Maps

Rota-Ray a paper scrolling map reader from 1920's showing detail from the Container Corporation of America's World Geo-graphic Atlas designed by Herbert Bayer page detail of a Tornado.


Generate a flood of concepts at a low resolution. Discover insights made from feelings and intuition. Trust what your gut says and avoid over analysing.

The Stanford writes about being able to Experiment Rapidly.

‘This ability is about being able to quickly generate ideas – whether written, drawn, or built. In order to rapidly experiment, you must be able to relax your mind and reach a mode of acceptance. This will eliminate the natural tendency to block ideas that seem off or unfeasible. Then, let your doing lead your thinking – and lead with your hands. This ability pairs naturally with Learn From Others. In many instances, you are experimenting by both generating a flood of new concepts at low resolution (brainstorming) and testing some of those concepts with potential users.’

Five of Chalks

Five pieces of chalk with the number five written on a kids chalk board.

Order in chaos, studio walls

Trying to work out the best approach to a problem? The five of chalks indicates, conflict, complications and disputes and that there are that there are many sides to the problem. Everyone has differing opinions about the best solutions. So you need to have an environment where you can see and discuss all the options with your colleagues.

Have all your sketches and ideas up on the walls of the studio, it may sometimes look chaotic, but as shown in the double diamond, you diverge as you research a problem , then you converge as you synthesis a solution.

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Seven of Maps

Rota-Ray a paper scrolling map reader from 1920's showing detail of Dell pulp fiction Mapback book. There is a map on the back cover of the book that shows all the crime scenes.

Contextual Enquiries

You are looking for the best solution, but there are many options. You may be unable to make a decision. Use contextual enquiries to explore the advantages and disadvantages of all the options before you.

Qualitative research allows you to explore users’ experiences. From observing users behaviour, to conducting interviews with them you will create a realistic view of users’ actual needs and problems. You will be rewarded with many design options.

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VHS video cassette with the word strength printed on it

Agency Design

As a designer you are creating the ability for users to complete their task, I like to think of this as ‘agency’.

Strength signifies true control of a situation. We design services that give the user agency to complete their task.

Instead of brute force, rigid conclusions, and a fixed point of view. A quiet, flexible, responsive strength works.

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The Tower

Tarot Card for the Tower

The Tower represents a radical change, a pivot. Your vision hasn’t matched reality. Change is a normal part of life, and it’s time to deal with the negative effects of old decisions. But change can sometimes create fear, because we must abandon old truths. Your idea, what thought you knew about your target market, customer, or product has turned out to be wrong. But based on what you have learnt you can build a new strategy. You must develop new ideas to replace the old.

The Hierophant

Tarot card for the Hierophant

To see the Hierophant in a reading is to embrace the conventional. A desire to actually follow a well established process . It also suggests that you want to stay within the boundaries of what could be considered an orthodox approach. You will be adapting to certain beliefs and systems which are already put in place and are well established. For example the Design Council’s Double Diamond from 2004, which is the foundation of their framework for innovation.