Invesco ESG Interactive Infographic

One of the smaller projects I was asked to work on was an interactive infographic for Invesco’s ESG Funds. ESG being the hot topic in investment. In order to avoid any claims of greenwashing Invesco decided to publish a breakdown of all the data for each of their funds, so that clients could be confidant that the rating of the fund was accurate.

Invesco UK’s design agency Oliver produced a pdf brochure for each fund and I was asked to see if I could turn it into a more exciting and useful online experience. Each fund would be rated on their Environmental, Social and Governance. Each fund was scored with the MSCI ESG rating and rated from AAA to CCC. The score of the Invesco fund is then compared an industry bench march creating a comparator score.

Examples of agency pdf showing different types of charts


Working with Joe Hrano (Marketing Manager at Invesco EMEA) we reviewed what the competitors were doing and I made some suggestions towards how we could create a simple design that would allow the user to drill down into the data. So that the user moved from a summary view into the more detailed breakdown of each category.

Collage of ideas for infographic ESG

The initial designs tried to establish the idea that all the scores were based on a range from 1 – 10 or a percentage, so the screen could be divided into a consistent grid for displaying the charts. Displaying the numerical value at the end of the bars when using a horizontal stacked bar chart proved tricky as the scores were often very close. Joe reviewed some of the designs with some of his stakeholders and it was felt this was too complicated.

Initial designs of Invesco ESG infographic

As we had very limited developer resources the final MVP was considerably parred down from the initial concepts. Also wrangling the data into a useful format so that it could be easily uploaded by the back end software was a constant headache.

Sadly my contract ended at Invesco before I could see this go live. When I left there was an ongoing discussion about the tabs and pills for selecting the funds and the ESG topics, and wether they should be broken apart in order to make the choices clearer.

Prototype MVP of Infographic screens