Service Design at Pottermore

Customer journey maps and persona chart for Pottermore

Pottermore had an established set of personas for their users, the challenge was to bring them to life for the management team.  The easiest way was to combine personas with actual customer data, so we could work out where the pain points where for various tasks the users wanted to complete. At the time I was reading, ‘Badass: Making Users Awesome’ by Kathy Sierra, so was trying to see how you could make it easier for casual users to become more engaged and become ‘evangalists’ or ‘story masters’.

Focus on reducing what slows the users becoming a story master, and then working out what they would want to do with that mastery. So really it was about finding devices to re-engage the hibernator and discover personas. I think this pointed towards letting signed in members have a much richer and maybe challenging user experience.

Diagram showing how Pottermore fans can become Evangelists from starting as a Discoverer