The Devil

The devil tarrot card with metal chains

Take a leap if you are stuck in a rut

A man and a woman chained to the devil. Stuck or trapped without any options unable to make the changes that will bring them happiness. But, the devil’s appearance can signal that you have more choices than you think you do, you need to reclaim your creativity.

You can jump through the hoops of your design process, Business Research, Design Review, User Research, User Journey, Content Design, Information Architecture, Wireframing, Technical Feasibility, Visual Design, Accessibility, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Business Sign-off, Design Handover , Analytics…

But if the formula isn’t working, you will have to make a change, find the opportunities within, abandoning the framework can help. In an analytical evidence based world maybe a hunch can help restart your creativity. Experiment. A little leap of inspiration. Restructure the problem, to see things in a new way.

Relax your mind.