Portfolio snap shots

I was recently asked to upload some ‘portfolio’ images during a job application. I wondered if I could organise the images thematically to provide a more long term overview. So I collected together some examples of web applications, page designs for media companies, and a bit of the visual analysis you do as part of design thinking.

Web Applications

Screenshots of web applications for Ernst Young and Invesco

Two web apps, a Travel assessment for Ernst Young, and a Model Portfolio service for Invesco. I think both MVPs follow a similar layout and design patterns, for allowing the user to step through a complicated multistep process. But of course the challenge with both is to observe best UX practises and meet the user requirements.

Media companies

I have been lucky enough to work at AOL, IPC Media and CNN. At AOL when I led the redesign of the AOL.co.uk (way back in 2006) we took a modular approach. That work carried on to IPC media where I worked for Andy Cowles the Creative Director at IPC and we redesigned a number of magazines brands online offerings. Recently part of the work I did at CNN (2019) was to help audit their content and develop the beginnings of a design system.

Design Thinking

Design thinking diagrams

Like all design projects, the presentation layer and final product is just the tip of the iceberg and underneath the surface there is a massive amount of design thinking. I think I have always enjoyed this, from classic user experience work in information architecture to all the tools and techniques of service designs that help you understand the problems you are trying to solve.

Anyhow they are a few snap shots of my work.