Category Archives: CNN

CNN Pattern Library

Creating a triple A design system

Collage of screens from creating the CNN design system.

CNN had embarked on a harmonisation project, one aspect of which will be to create a cohesive design system. CNN is a complex network of departments and siloed teams and they have an ever increasing number of layers that must work together to create a consistent experience. As part of the London based ‘Shared Web capabilities team’, I was lucky enough to be able to work on a proof of concept for the design system.

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CNN Accessibility for everyone

A very big audience

CNN has a giant audience, and 10 to 20 percent of those users could need help accessing CNN’s digital content. CNN currently claim, a global audience of 170 million unique multi-platform visitors for August 2019.

The United States census bureau reports that about 56.7 million people, 19 percent of the population have a disability. According to a broad definition of disability, and the world bank claims 15 percent of the world experience some form of disability. Looking at the US census figures 8.1 million people had difficulty seeing, including 2.0 million who were blind or unable to see. Also For example, the AFB, American Foundation for the Blind, has findings from the 2017 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data release established that an estimated 26.9 million adult Americans (or about 10% of all adult Americans) reported they either “have trouble” seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, or that they are blind or unable to see at all.

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