Category Archives: Ernst & Young

Phase Three Service Design. Mash up Tools?

Picture of International Space station

Thinking about Designing Platforms

We are all designing complex digital platforms, in a harsh environment, with a large number of stakeholders and contributors. How are the tools that we have evolving to meet our needs?

Do your tools change as your project evolves or are you stuck with the same customer journey map through out the project?

I think also designing a digital product has become more like creating a digital platform. Your platform has to be built so that it is easy to extend and adapt.

Continue reading Phase Three Service Design. Mash up Tools?

EY Travel assessment

Mobile screen view of the EY Travel assessment tool

Energized Work was asked by Ernst & Young Global Limited to upgrade their mobility offering for their corporate clients. A corporation would buy EY’s mobility services and expect EY to be able to manage their travelling staff’s tax, immigration, and travel risk. Large corporations need to move their employees around the world, and EY offers a number of services to manage all the different business immigration rules and tax implications of their staff when they go to work in different countries. 

Continue reading EY Travel assessment

Different interfaces for displaying corporate and personal data

Designs of Dashboard design and web applications for displaying data arranged in a quad chart

Energized Work were hired by EY to help  develop and improve their existing Mobility service. Create a flexible mobility platform, which would allow companies to easily move their people to different international locations, keep up with countries regulations and laws, and create accurate reporting and oversight for the parent company.

Continue reading Different interfaces for displaying corporate and personal data