Category Archives: Barclays

Building Barclays UX team

Lead UX Researcher presents the UX lab to the team

I was asked to turn around the UX team by Jo Brown (Director of Propositions and Development, Digital Banking) who asked me to move from Seren to join her at Barclays. It was the beginning of two or so years of very hard work, I wanted to build a confident team culture that allowed my team to have purpose and enjoy designing in the very demanding and ambitious environment of Barclays Bank.

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Responsive banking dashboard concept


The user’s dashboard should be an honest, fun, collaborative, conversational, engaging interface that lets the user control their money in the Ginkou bank. So that they feel that they have control of their finances. The bank is supporting them in achieving their goals in life with simple financial management. The dashboard represents a move away from reporting financial data to the user and towards engaging with them in designing the best financial outcomes for them.

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Evolving the user experience of a corporate website

3D diagram of Barclays pages

Large corporate website are constantly changing. New products to promote, and new commercial goals. The users needs change from desktop to mobile, from mouse to touchscreen, from static to dynamic. An existing web site can begin to look tired, staid and incoherent. Over time each area of the site has created a solution unique to their needs, and so has moved away from the simple templated site of the original. It  begins to feel as if design and the user experience is becoming arbitrary. Every one starts getting nervous and asking for a redesign.

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Barclays Omake

Concept for Barclays rewards intro screen

This is a concept idea for making banking more engaging. I am using the idea of a points rewards system to reflect the users engagement with Barclays products and services. It may be possible to then associate these omake with a financial reward. Omake is japanese for  extra, bonus, discount and I am using it as a metaphor instead of the usual wallet metaphor which is always associated with digital payments. A wallet places the emphasis on the storage of rewards, just abstractly visualising the rewards focuses the user on the benefits. It is an experiment with a  game like display that may make the user more engaged? I have chosen a simple metaphor of filling a board/grid with coloured squares representing the rewards (omake) the user has earned and achieved. I hope this makes it clear to the user that the bank is recognising their achievements by rewarding the user when they have accomplished something. It has to be integrated with all the bank site, rather than trying to build a hub that the user is pointed to.

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Collage of Barclays taskviews

I wish I had run more workshops at Barclays, as its a great way to get inside the teams head, and where their thinking is. These are my notes from a workshop I ran in January 2014. It is also just to enjoy ‘thinking work’. Denkarbeit. The team spend so much time creating material I wonder when they have time just to think broadly about banking as an experience.

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